Kakapo The Kakapo, a nocturnal parrot from New Zealand, is critically endangered with less than 250 left. Its green feathers make it blend perfectly into its forest habitat.

Imperial Amazon Native to Dominica, the Imperial Amazon is a parrot of dazzling green, purple, and blue. With fewer than 50 in the wild, it’s one of the rarest birds on the planet.

Philippine Eagle Known as the world’s largest eagle, this majestic bird of prey is endemic to the Philippines. With less than 400 in the wild, spotting one is a true privilege.

Spix's Macaw Once thought extinct, the vibrant blue Spix's Macaw has made a miraculous comeback in Brazil. It’s an extremely rare sight, with conservation efforts ongoing.

Madagascar Pochard This small diving duck was believed to be extinct until it was rediscovered in Madagascar. With only around 100 individuals left, it's an incredibly rare bird to spot.

Giant Ibi Cambodia’s national bird, the Giant Ibis, is critically endangered with fewer than 1,000 individuals. Its large size makes it unforgettable if you're lucky enough to see one.

Forest Owlet A tiny owl species found in India, the Forest Owlet was once considered extinct but was rediscovered in 1997. It remains one of the most difficult birds to find.

Stresemann's Bristlefront This critically endangered Brazilian bird is known for its distinctive bristles around its beak. With fewer than 20 individuals in the wild, it's one of the rarest birds on Earth.