Stay Safe at Petrol Bunks: Important Tips!
Keep yourself and others safe with these essential safety and courtesy tips for every passenger at petrol stations.
Switch Off Your Engine
Ensure the vehicle’s engine is off before fueling. This reduces fire risks and keeps everyone around safer.
Avoid Using Mobile Phones
Refrain from using mobile phones at petrol bunks. Phone signals can interfere and increase the risk of a spark.
Stay Inside or Step Away
Stay Inside or Step Away
Either stay inside the vehicle or step out fully – don’t lean against the vehicle during fueling.
Either stay inside the vehicle or step out fully – don’t lean against the vehicle during fueling.
Don’t Smoke
Smoking is strictly prohibited at petrol bunks due to the high risk of ignition. Always put out cigarettes beforehand.
Keep vehicle windows closed during refueling to prevent inhaling fumes and to maintain a safe environment.
Keep vehicle windows closed during refueling to prevent inhaling fumes and to maintain a safe environment.
Once fueling is done, double-check the fuel cap to ensure it’s securely closed before driving off.
Once fueling is done, double-check the fuel cap to ensure it’s securely closed before driving off.
After fueling, move your vehicle out of the filling area quickly to allow space for others and reduce congestion.
After fueling, move your vehicle out of the filling area quickly to allow space for others and reduce congestion.