Search engines use keywords as a starting point when filtering results, so you need to know how to properly use keywords in your content to increase the likelihood that your content will be searched, indexed, and ranked. Is very important.
There are many opinions about using keywords in SEO, but I would like to provide a basic and quick step-by-step guide on how to use keywords correctly and safely in all types of SEO content you create / post.
How Many Keywords Should You Use On A Page?:
When talking about the number of keywords that focus on the page, the answer depends largely on the keywords you use, how related they are to each other, and whether they help advance the message of your content. However, with proper keyword research, it’s not too difficult to put together a list of 5-10 keywords. However, this does not mean that you need to focus on all ten.
First, let’s talk about the rules of the keyword hierarchy. There are three main types of SEO keywords.
1. Main keywords
2. Secondary keyword
3. Additional keywords
The main keyword needs to be the focus of the entire article, so the title and subsequent content should reflect this. You can’t really create great content for two different topics, so you need to use only one key keyword to advance the content of your content.
Secondary keywords are complementary keywords to the primary, but there are subtle differences. There are usually 35 major issues in the main topic, so it makes sense to use some of these secondary keywords.
Additional keywords are other related keywords that have different words and spellings than the first two but have the same meaning. This is a collection network for getting different variations of the main keywords and ranking one (or all) of them. The “long tail” keyword is usually included in this category.
So Again, How Many Keywords are for SEO?
In most cases, the total is 38 based on the length of the content. It is divided into one primary keyword, 13 secondary keywords, and 14 additional keywords. This gives you the opportunity to start ranking for one of them, and later you can reoptimize your content based on your current ranking at that time.
If you use more than 8 keywords (assuming you don’t have very long or extremely short content), they may appear as spam. Also, it’s very difficult to naturally incorporate so many SEO keywords into your text, and you don’t really need them. When you write content based on some really good keywords, you will find related keywords that pop up naturally and automatically. Doing a lot usually makes it unreadable and stands out like a painful thumb to both Google readers and page crawlers.
Where to Use Keywords for SEO in Your Content Writing:
It’s easy to say “I need to add an SEO keyword”, but implementing it is a completely different issue. In fact, there are specific rules and best practices for adding keywords to your website, which can make your SEO efforts more rewarding.
You need to include keywords in your content creation as follows:
Use Keywords in Your Meta Description:
This is one of the most basic ways to add SEO keywords, but it’s often overlooked. The meta description serves as a brief summary to describe the content. Therefore, placing keywords in this summary will help Google filter the results better. This is a powerful way to attach one or two top keywords to a piece of the page that is served directly by a search engine.
For the review, the meta description is 160 characters (or 20-25 words) that describe the content of the page. This description appears below the page name and URL when users search for keywords in search engines. This is an example of a meta description that appears on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
How to Use Keywords for SEO in a Meta Description:
First of all, it is important to have the right tools. If you’re using WordPress, try downloading the Yoast SEO plugin. This small plugin allows you to quickly optimize your content for both SEO and readability and provides a place to enter meta descriptions and SEO title tags (see step 2).
When using the SEO keyword in the meta description, make sure to use the keyword at least once and at least twice. However, try to prioritize useful and compelling explanations over keyword abuse. This is because it’s the first thing someone reads before visiting a website.
Insert Keywords in Your SEO Title Tag:
Remember, I said the SEO title, not the title of your main article. Tweak it in just a few minutes. First of all, let’s pull out some keyword data that is useful for SEO title tags (also known as meta title tags). This title tag is similar to a meta description in that it is the name of the page that appears on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) when a user searches for a keyword phrase. This title is clickable on SERP and directs the user directly to your page.
How to Use Keywords for SEO in a Meta Title Tag:
As with the meta description, you only need to use a few characters (about 5060) when writing the SEO title tag. For this reason, you usually need to limit title tags to only primary keywords, not just company names. This is the simplest, most user-friendly, and SEO-friendly way.
Use Keywords in Your Article Title:
If possible, include keywords in your content titles. Google combines this title header with your meta description to depict what your content is, so it’s very helpful to include keywords in your title as long as it’s natural to use.
If the keyword cannot be used naturally in the title, use a variation that conveys the meaning of the article while hitting some of the nouns in the keyword phrase. A little better than nothing!
Use Keywords Within the First 200 Words:
Many experts believe that Google is more focused on the first 200 words of content. The reason for this is that the first 100,200 words of an article are usually the place where content writers set up referrals to what is being discussed. Most readers will only continue the article if the referral is good, so it’s not surprising that this can also be a ranking factor.
Where to Use Keywords in an Article Introduction:
Google checks the first 200 words of a blog post, so it’s very important to place the main keywords within the first sentence or paragraph, if possible, without compromising the quality of the content. Also, make sure to use at least one secondary keyword in the first 200 words (but not in the first sentence).
Remember that Google is trying to get the big picture of what the article is. You need to be careful to guide Google to the keyword it should focus on and not confuse it when optimizing the content of the keyword. This means that the primary keyword should be found everywhere, then the secondary keyword, and then all other additional keywords. Think of it as a usage pyramid with the main keywords above.
The focus of the article (and introductory) is the beginning of the primary, filled with secondary, and finally additional keywords to form the complete keyword structure and strategy for this article.
Insert Keywords Naturally Throughout the Article:
In the seemingly SEO-centric digital world, it’s easy to forget that readers really come first. Inadequate placement of keywords should never undermine the ability of readers to engage, provide information, and provide information through content. But believe me, it always happens. This is a solution that helps you write keywords more naturally in your content.
Use Stop Words in Awkward Keyword Phrases:
One way to make a keyword more natural is to use a “stop word” when writing the keyword. These are words that you can add inside a keyword phrase to make it more natural to read without lowering your rankings.
For example, if you target the keyword phrase “Salt Lake City Plumbing,” you can’t literally place it in your content unless it looks like a typo or an obvious keyword insertion. A better way to add SEO keywords is to use stopwords in the sentence. If you add the stop word “in”, it will be displayed as “Piping in Salt Lake City”. It’s much easier to insert into the natural text. Try it!
How Many Keywords Should You Put in Your Content?
This is a great question that is often discussed among SEOs. The real answer is that it depends entirely on the type of keywords you use and the length of your content.
However, as a general rule, please include the primary keyword every 100,150 words. Therefore, when writing a 1000-word article, it is appropriate to include the primary keyword about 710 times. Also, keep in mind that you want to distribute these instances of keywords fairly throughout the article. It is not necessary to include all seven instances of the primary keyword in the same 200-word section. Otherwise, the end-to-end keyword topic flow will be lost.
However, secondary and additional keywords should not appear more than the article’s primary keywords. Whatever the starting point for using the primary keyword in your content, reduce it by about 25% for secondary keywords and another 25% for additional SEO keywords. That way, you can maintain a healthy keyword structure that Google crawlers should be able to easily follow.
Use Keywords in the Last 200 Words:
Similar to how an introduction of an article is important to keyword rankings because it sets the framework for the content, it could be argued that the conclusion (or last 200 words) is just as important, if not more important. For this reason, try to include your primary keyword again near the last or second to last paragraph and include a secondary keyword if possible.
For blog posts, it`s usually good practice to include a call to action (or CTA) in the very last paragraph, so if you can fit the primary keyword there great! If not, get it in that second to last paragraph as we talked about above.
Use Keywords in Headings (H1s, H2s, H3s, etc)
Headings are a formatting tool that helps most text editors split text. From a purely visual point of view, they are a necessity. Huge, endless paragraphs are intimidating and are often skipped altogether. By using headings to categorize your content, you can visually guide your readers to the most important or most interesting points.
From an SEO perspective, headings can be even more important. The HTML tags used to identify H1, H2, H3, etc. are also Google’s ranking signals to know what’s most important in your content. Adding keywords to your content headlines may be the best way to rank multiple keywords. The more content you have, the more headlines you have. In general, the longer the content, the higher the rank than the short content.
When a keyword is used in a heading, it emphasizes the meaning and importance of the keyword. This helps search engines know how relevant those keywords are to your content.
How to Add Keywords to Heading 1s (H1s):
Headline 1 or H1 is usually reserved only for the main title of the article. Basically, if your content contains multiple H1s, it can be confusing to Google. Instead, just stick to a single H1 as the title of the article using the main keyword.
How to Use Keywords in Heading 2s (H2s):
You can put most of the important keywords in Heading 2 or H2. H2 is a heading that divides the main sections of content and usually works every hundred words. For a 1000-word article, you can plan about 35 of these H2s. Here we re-include the primary keyword in one of them and reserve it for the secondary keywords that target the rest.
How to Insert Keywords to Heading 3s (H3s):
Heading 3 or H3 is used to categorize and list individual items in the main section. H3 may appear in the H2 heading in the form of a numbered list or description section. This is another good place for an instance of the primary keyword, but probably a good place for secondary keywords and other keywords.
Use Keywords in Anchor Text Links:
If a keyword is used as an anchor text link for content, it means that there is a place where you can find more information about the word. This makes the relationship between the keyword and the content to which the keyword is linked even more pronounced. How does this apply to the article you are currently writing?
It’s not. Not exactly. Using keywords as article anchor text links helps other pages on your site. This is also known as creating an internal link structure that tells Google where to find the top articles for the exact keyword phrase. If you can plan your content accordingly, you’ll find that you can use anchor text links for specific keyword phrases to enhance the permissions of other “pillar” elements.
Use Keywords in Image Alt-tags:
First of all, if you’re not using images when writing content, do so! Without the use of visual cues to educate, engage, and inform our readers and prospects, we cannot fully emphasize how many opportunities we miss. Creating images and content (and video) is the perfect combination when it comes to user engagement.
How to Use SEO Keywords in Alt Tags:
Regarding the use of keywords, using keywords in the image’s alt tag will help them appear in the image search. This helps to bypass the user and direct them to the content.
Images not only help you split your text to give it color, personality, and sensuality, but it’s also a great opportunity to add SEO keywords to your website. Use your article and a blessed old text photo that you are allowed to manipulate.
Use Keywords in URL:
Finally, when it comes to adding keywords to your website, you should always try to include your key keywords in the URL of the main page of the article you are writing. If you followed the steps above and included the primary keyword in the article title, it should be automatically included in the URL when you publish it. However, even if the title is similar to the main keyword but not completely included, you still need to adjust the URL of the page to include it later.
There was a lot of debate between SEO and content marketers about whether the URL of your page should include your key keywords and whether it would affect your ranking. Posts that used a keyword as part of the page URL were overwhelmingly ranked for that keyword, but not, based on a survey that analyzed about 60 posts in 6 months here in newtechytips Content. Posts were overwhelmingly ranked. The URL did not contain the target keyword. This is good enough for me to include keywords in the URL of the page.
Track, Refine, and Use Different Keywords If Necessary:
Remember that once the dust has settled, you can go back a few months and optimize your posts. Please provide the content for about 3 months before deciding to make the actual changes. Next, check which keywords are ranked and which ones are attracting attention, and continue optimizing from there. If your post ranks higher than the first “primary keyword” of the secondary or additional keywords, switch the primary keyword to SEO.
Be careful when making major changes. Otherwise, the entire boat may capsize. Tweak the keywords to see if the results are good. If you repeat this many times, you will have a very sophisticated content marketing strategy.
Conclusion: How to Use Keywords for SEO:
Focus on a total of 3-8 keywords (primary, secondary, additional) per article.
Add keywords to meta descriptions, meta title tags, and page URLs.
Use keywords in titles, headings, and Alt Image tags.
Evenly distributes the keywords in the first and last paragraphs.
If it does not work naturally, do not use it. Keywords should be content-relevant and very relevant. If the word is strange or does not match, use the correct version that makes sense or discard it.
Keywords are great, but the most important thing to focus on is the content of the meat. Keyword-saturated content doesn’t help anyone, and Google won’t rank your content unless you help someone.
Now you have basically everything you might want to know about using SEO keywords in your writing. Is there anything I can add about using SEO keywords? Please leave it in the comments below!
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